10 days have passed since the violence at the police station in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh. How did a crowd of hundreds of people suddenly gather near the police station and violence broke out? The police is looking for answers to these questions by interrogating the arrested accused. At present, a pamphlet has surfaced which was distributed among the Muslim community in Chhatarpur. It was only after reading this that the crowd gathered on 21 August, because in the pamphlet they were asked to present proof of ‘Ghulam Mustafa’.
After the pamphlet surfaced, it has become clear that a plan to gather a large number of people was prepared in advance. According to the pamphlet, an appeal was made on behalf of Jumla Ulema-e-Kiram Ahle Sunnat, Chhatarpur and Anjuman Islamia Committee, Chhatarpur. Referring to the comments made against Prophet Mohammad Saheb in Maharashtra, an appeal was made to gather on August 21. It was said that we have to go to City Kotwala to demand legal action. People were asked to gather at Mastan Shah’s ground and present proof of Ghulam Mustafa. Whoever read this pamphlet ran towards the mentioned place on the 21st.
what is written in the prescription
Along with the title of announcement, it is written at the top of the leaflet – Brothers of Islam … Assalamu Aleikum. It is further written, ‘Hazrat, you will be very sad to hear the news that a person named Giri Maharaj in the state of Maharashtra has committed a grave mistake by saying wrong words in the honor of our beloved master, we have to go to City Kotwali for legal action against him. You are requested to gather in the ground of Mastan Shah on 21 August 2024, Wednesday after Namaz Zuhr, and present the proof of Gulaami Mustafa.’ It is being told that this leaflet was also sent to people with the help of WhatsApp and social media.
Police in search of more than 1000 people
Chhatarpur police says that analysis of CCTV footage, media and mobile camera recordings has revealed that more than a thousand people had gathered at the Kotwali police station that day. Police have so far arrested about three dozen people while others are being searched for. The court has sent the main accused Shahzad Ali to 14 days judicial custody after three days of police remand.
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