A video of social media influencer Rajat Dalal went viral on social media on Friday. In the video, he is seen driving a car at high speed on the Delhi-Agra National Highway. The car hits a bike near the NHPC intersection, but he moves forward saying that this is a daily routine. The police have registered a case against Rajat Dalal and started investigation.
According to police sources, the car which Rajat Dalal is seen driving in the video belongs to a showroom. Rajat Dalal was taking a test drive of that car. A young woman is sitting on the seat next to him. It is being said that she is an employee of the showroom.
According to the viral video, Rajat Dalal was driving the car at a speed of 140 kmph. The girl asks him to slow down the car, but Rajat Dalal says that this is my daily work. You don’t worry. After the collision with the bike, the girl expresses concern and says that the bike rider has fallen, don’t behave like this. On this, Rajat says that it doesn’t matter if he has fallen, this is his daily work. On the other hand, Sarai police station in-charge Rakesh Kumar said that a case has been registered against Rajat Dalal for dangerous driving.
More than 5 lakh followers on Instagram
Rajat Dalal from Faridabad lives with his family in Ballabhgarh. He is a powerlifter and fitness influencer. He started his career as a personal trainer and powerlifter. He has more than five lakh followers on Instagram.
Demand for action
After the video went viral, people are demanding action against Rajat Dalal on social media platform X. People made various comments while tagging Faridabad Police. They say that the police should take strict action against those who do not understand the value of human life.
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