A very shocking case has come to light from Kerala. Here an FIR has been registered against a lawyer for committing obscene acts. It is reported that during the hearing being held through video conference, the lawyer suddenly took off his clothes. Not only this, he was also making obscene gestures in front of the court. At present, action is going on against the accused lawyer under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.
According to a Bar and Bench report, a lawyer who appeared before a court in Kerala via video conferencing had taken off his clothes. He was also making lewd sexual gestures. The incident took place on Monday, September 2. Advocate TK Ajan then appeared before the Additional District Judge in Thudupuzha, Idukki to argue a case. He stripped himself naked during the hearing being conducted via video conferencing.
The special thing is that immediately after this incident, the court stopped the hearing. After this, the case was adjourned till October 3.
On September 2, the court issued an order, ‘When the case was set aside for hearing, the lawyer appearing for the appellant showed nudity with some gestures. The case is adjourned with the direction to the appellant to inform his lawyer to appear in person in the court. Because Google Meet was turned off to avoid gestures.’
According to the report, a complaint was filed in this matter by the bench clerk. A case has been registered against the accused lawyer under several sections including section 79 of BNS.
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