After the conclusion of the Janata Darbar held on Saturday in the auditorium building located in the Balia block premises of Begusarai district, an Aam Aadmi Party worker punched Union Minister Giriraj Singh and also scuffled with him. This created chaos near the block office for some time. However, the Union Minister was not hurt. The police have taken the attacker Shahjaduzzama alias Saifi, councilor of Lakhminia Ward-25 of Balia Nagar Parishad area, into custody.
According to eyewitnesses, when the Union Minister started leaving after the conclusion of the Janta Darbar at about 3:30 p.m., Md. Shahzaduzzama alias Saifi, who was present there, wanted to give him an application and asked him some questions. While leaving, the Union Minister said that all the questions asked by you have been answered. At this, Saifi started shouting slogans of Murdabad. He did not stop even when the police stopped him and started shouting slogans again after reaching in front of the Minister near the block office.
After this, he punched the Union Minister. The BJP workers present with the minister controlled him. There was chaos for a while. Giriraj Singh’s supporters also beat up the attacker. The security personnel present on the spot immediately took him into custody. Mo. Saifi has also been the district president of Aam Aadmi Party in the past.
In this regard, Giriraj Singh said that after listening to the problems in the Janta Darbar, when I started to leave, that person first started talking incoherently. We ignored him and moved ahead. He raised slogans of Murdabad. He started behaving in such a way that it seemed that he would attack me. He said that it is unfortunate that after seeing the face of the accused, even Tejashwi Yadav will stand in his favour.
Akhilesh Yadav will also start speaking in his favour for votes. But, Giriraj Singh is not afraid of such acts. If anyone wants to disturb communal harmony in Lakhminia, Ballia, Begusarai or anywhere in the country, we will definitely raise our voice against him. The Union Minister wrote on the social media platform X – I am Giriraj and I will always speak and fight for the interests of the society. I am not going to be afraid of these attacks.
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