Vande Bharat train: Vigilance has been increased in the railways due to the threat to blow up the Vande Bharat Express. This threatening message came on the mobile of a railway employee. All kinds of security measures are being taken in the railways to monitor the Vande Bharat Express.
Threat to blow up train on WhatsApp
According to the information, someone had sent a message threatening to blow up the Vande Bharat train on behalf of Northern Frontier Railway (Assam) to a railway employee via WhatsApp. After this, the IG of Hajipur Zone RPF had sent a letter to the Director General of Police of Patna in Bihar, Ranchi in Jharkhand, Bhopal in MP and Lucknow in UP, in which an order of vigilance regarding train security has been issued along with the information of the threat. The special branch of Jharkhand Ranchi has sent a letter to all the districts and emphasized on vigilance and security.
Had received threats earlier too
Let us tell you that in November 2023 also, someone had sent a threatening letter by post to the station manager of Bihar-Rajendranagar Terminal and threatened to blow up the train. In the threat, there was a threat to blow up Rajdhani, Vande Bharat, Shatabdi and Rajdhani Express like the North East train if the money was not given. It is known that the railway station has been on the target of terrorists since the beginning and many incidents have also happened. Due to this, the railway administration has taken this message seriously.
Also know this: Vande Bharat Sleeper will be available soon
Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said on Sunday that after Vande Bharat, Vande Bharat Sleeper trains will be started very soon on the map of Indian Railways and its maximum speed will be 160 kilometers. He said that like Vande Bharat trains, Vande Bharat Sleeper trains are also being manufactured with indigenous technology. In this train, the loco cab has been improved along with passenger safety and the facilities of loco pilots and attendants have also been taken care of. Along with this, this train is equipped with anti-collision armor system.
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