Aries people should be cautious today, Leo people will be haunted by unknown fear, read the condition of your zodiac, Dharma News

Position of planets- Jupiter is in Taurus. Mars and Moon are in Gemini. After noon, Moon will enter Cancer and will be in conjunction with Mercury. Sun is in Leo. Venus is in Virgo with Ketu in a debilitated position. Sun is in its own house. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius and Rahu is transiting in Pisces.

Aries- Buying land, building and vehicle is possible. There can be some disputes regarding money and transactions, so be careful. The situation of love and children will be very good. The situation of business is also good. Donate green items.

Taurus: Today your courage will pay off and there will be progress in livelihood and employment. Health will improve and love relationships will be good. You will get support from children. Business conditions are very good and new business can also be started.

Gemini zodiac sign: Wealth will increase and there will be happiness and prosperity in the family. Words will act like a savior. Conditions of health, love and business are very good. Love relationships will also be good. It will be auspicious to keep green things with you.

Cancer zodiac sign- Health will improve. There is still distance from love and children. Business is also moderate. However, business will definitely be a little better than before. Keep a red object with you.

Leo zodiac sign- There will be a lot of expenditure. There will be irritability in the mind. Unknown fears will haunt you and health will be a little weak. Headache and eye problems can trouble you. Love and children will be good and there will be profit in business. Keep a yellow object with you.

Virgo sun sign– New sources of money. Money will come from old sources as well. New opportunities for business can be created. Health will improve and there are chances of love affair. Business will also be good. Donate red items.

Libra zodiac sign- You will win court cases. You will also succeed in business. You will participate in religious activities and rituals. Health will be average, love and children will be average and business will be very good. Keep green things with you.

Scorpio zodiac sign- Fortunately, some work will get done. Difficulties coming in the way will be resolved. Health will improve and love situation will be good. Children’s situation will be good and business will be very good. Donate green items.

Sagittarius zodiac sign- You may get hurt and may get into some trouble. Circumstances are unfavorable. Health is moderate, love and children are good and business is also good. Keep a red object with you.

Capricorn: You will get full support from your spouse. Health will improve. Job situation will be good. You will be enthusiastic. Health, love and business will be good. Salute Lord Shiva and worship him.

Aquarius- Today you will prevail over your enemies. All tasks will be completed despite obstacles. Health will be moderate. Love, children will be good and business will also be good. Keep green things with you.

Pisces- Do not take any decision emotionally, otherwise you may suffer loss. Spend time in reading and writing. Children’s health will improve. There may be discord in love relationships. There may be mental pain. Offer water to Lord Shiva.

Arvind Patel, hailing from Ahmedabad, is an avid gamer who turned his hobby into a career. With a background in marketing, Arvind initially worked with gaming companies along with top new agencies to promote their products. His articles now focus on market trends, game marketing strategies, news, and the business side of the gaming industry.