Disclosure that increases tension regarding UPI payment in India! More than 6 lakh frauds in 1 year, fraud of Rs 485 crore

Indians have lost Rs 485 crore in the financial year 2024-25 due to fraud in UPI payments. There were 6 lakh 32 thousand incidents of fraud with people. At the same time, from the year 2022-23 till now, 27 lakh people were cheated and users lost Rs 2145 crore. The reason for this is said to be the increase in the number of users, and the increase in the total number of transactions in the real time payments system.

Arvind Patel, hailing from Ahmedabad, is an avid gamer who turned his hobby into a career. With a background in marketing, Arvind initially worked with gaming companies along with top new agencies to promote their products. His articles now focus on market trends, game marketing strategies, news, and the business side of the gaming industry.