High voltage drama took place when Enforcement Directorate (ED) officers reached the house of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA Amanatullah Khan in connection with the alleged Waqf Board scam in Delhi. The MLA refused to open the gate and kept arguing with the officers from behind the grill. The Okhla MLA put a condition before the Delhi Police and ED officers. Khan demanded a guarantee from the ED and Delhi Police officers that if he is arrested, his cancer-stricken mother-in-law will not die.
Amanatullah Khan while arguing with the officers at the gate says, ‘Are you taking the responsibility that if you arrest me then nothing will happen to my mother-in-law. You have come to arrest me, my mother-in-law is suffering from cancer. ED has already raided my house. Now what do you want to interrogate me. Whenever I was called, I went. My mother-in-law has cancer, her condition is critical. She had an operation just four days ago. I want to know whether you take the responsibility that she will not die. I have given it to you in writing, I have not misbehaved with you.’ Police and ED officers standing outside say that his mother-in-law is ill and he himself is making noise. The officers also asked him to come out and talk but the MLA did not open the gate.
On Monday morning, a team of ED reached the MLA’s house. They did not open the gate and called the police to the spot. Amanatullah Khan kept arguing with the officers till 8 in the morning. When the gate was not opened even after a lot of efforts, paramilitary force personnel were deployed outside the house. 6-7 ED officers stood outside the house. A team of Delhi Police was also present outside the house.
Amanatullah Khan is accused of misappropriation in the Waqf Board. He has been accused of 32 illegal recruitments in the Waqf Board, misuse of Waqf Board funds and transactions worth crores in India and abroad. The Anti Corruption Bureau had registered a case in this matter. Amanatullah Khan was also arrested in September 2022. He is currently on bail. In April, the ED also questioned the MLA. Raids were conducted at four places. The ED got hold of a diary which allegedly mentions the transactions. Cash and weapons were also recovered from his house.
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