Turkish TikTok star Kubra Aykut, who went viral after marrying herself, has died at the age of 26. According to Turkish media reports, Aykut died on Monday after falling from the fifth floor of a luxury apartment in Istanbul’s Sultanbeyli. Local officials also found a suicide note near his dead body, due to which it is being considered as suicide. However, investigation into the circumstances of his death is ongoing.
Fans of Aykut, who became famous for her viral “Wedding Without a Groom” video, shared their concerns on social media, pointing out that Aykut had been posting disturbing posts before her death. Recently he also made a post regarding his weight. In his last post, Aykut wrote that I have used all my energy but still my weight is not increasing. Every day I am losing one kilo of weight and I don’t understand what to do.
In his viral video, Aykut broke away from tradition and created a different identity on TikTok. In this video she announced, that I am not able to find a suitable groom for myself. After this, Aykut is seen leaving in her car carrying a bouquet and shouting the promise of loving herself. After this, she posted another video of the same day, in which she described herself as a nervous bride while eating a burger.
The news of his death has created a wave of mourning on social media, leaving his followers in shock. Many of his followers remembered Aykut as a person with a beautiful heart and expressed their feelings on different social media platforms.
Meanwhile, Turkish authorities have begun an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Aykut’s death, with a post-mortem analysis of his body underway. Ayukat’s parents held a prayer service at his home after his cremation, which was attended by many TikTok influencers from Turkey.
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