In October last year, the company introduced JioBharat B1 4G. The price of JioBharat J1 4G is Rs 1,799. It can be purchased from e-commerce site Amazon. It is available in dark gray color. It has a 2.8 inch display. This mobile comes with a physical keypad and has call answer and reject buttons. It runs on Threadx RTOS. It has 0.13 GB of storage and expandable memory up to 128 GB. Reliance Jio has also introduced a 4G recharge plan of Rs 123. In this, you will get unlimited voice calls and 14 GB data per month.
Using the pre-installed JioTV app in this mobile, users will be able to access more than 450 channels including regional channels. Apart from this, UPI transactions can be done using the JioPay app. JioBharat J1 4G has a 2,500 mAh battery. It has a 3.5 mm audio jack. The size of this mobile is 135 x 56 x 16 mm and its weight is approximately 122 grams. Users will be able to scan QR codes with the digital camera in its rear.
Reliance Jio may get listed in the stock market next year. The valuation of this company of billionaire Mukesh Ambani could be around $112 billion. This is 7-15 percent more than its parent company Reliance Industries (RIL). Recently, brokerage firm Jefferies had said in a note that Reliance Jio’s focus is on monetization and increasing the number of subscribers. This note said, “Listing of this company is likely next year.” Reliance may decide to separate Jio or bring an Initial Public Offer (IPO) like Jio Financial Services. Jefferies said that the decision to separate it or get it listed will depend on unlocking the full value in separation and striking a balance with a less controlling stake.
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Mobile, Reliance Jio, Tariff, Battery, Market, Demand, Jio TV, UPI, Launch, Telecom, Camera, Payments, Storage, USB, Data, Apps, Prices
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