Noise Tag 1 in India price It was priced at Rs 2,999, but is currently being sold for Rs 1,499. The company says that this introductory price is for a limited time. The company says that its pre-booking will start soon and the Bluetooth tracker will be available for sale from January 28 through the brand’s website. It can be purchased in charcoal, ivory and midnight color options.
Noise Tag 1 specifications, features
Noise Tag 1 can be paired with devices running both Android and iOS operating systems. It uses Apple’s Find My network for tracking. Like any other tracker, users can attach it to their keys or any other valuable thing or keep it in their wallet. It claims to generate sound up to 90dB when needed. Whereas for Android devices it uses Google’s Find My Device network. It works on Android devices similarly to iOS.
The Noise Tag 1 gets a Network Mode, which is claimed to take advantage of the large number of Android and iOS devices in the network to locate lost or stolen items, even when they’re out of range. Be. Not only this, the device is IPX4 rated to protect against water splashes. The company says that it comes with a battery life of 1 year.
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