Earlier it was rumored that Samsung is not equipping its Exynos 2500 processor in Galaxy S25 models in many markets due to yield issues. Thus, the S25 lineup will come with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite processor, but this processor will come in all places except Exynos 2500 in some regions. The Exynos 2500 chip, which has had its yield issue fixed in the past few days, will be powered by the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Z Flip7 and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip FE.
Samsung apparently hopes that the Galaxy S26 series will likely feature the Exynos 2600 (if it doesn’t face production issues like the previous chip), which will help the company reduce its reliance on Qualcomm in a big way.
The thing to note is that this is just a rumor so far, so it is too early to say what will happen in reality. However, this makes no business sense for Samsung. Previous rumors related to the Samsung Galaxy S26 had claimed that the base model would be discontinued. The Galaxy S26 Ultra may be called the S26 Note and the Galaxy S26+ may be called the Galaxy S26 Pro.
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