Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat, who returned home from the Paris Olympics, was welcomed like a champion. Vinesh Phogat could not win a medal in Paris, but she definitely won the hearts of crores of Indians. Actually, Vinesh had made it to the finals of the 50kg category, but she was disqualified due to being 100 grams overweight before the match. After this, she appealed to the Sports Tribunal for at least a silver medal, but they also rejected this appeal. Now a post is going viral about Vinesh Phogat, who has returned to the country, in which it is being claimed that she has received a reward of Rs 16 crore from different organizations, businessmen and companies, but now her husband Somveer Rathi has told the truth behind it.
I pray to God that… Will Vinesh Phogat stop fighting against WFI?
Somveer Rathi shared a screenshot of the viral post on the evening of August 18 and called it false. He says that Vinesh has not received any money from anyone yet. He has also urged fans not to spread such false news. Along with this, he has called it a means of gaining popularity.
Somveer Rathi wrote in his post, ‘Vinesh Phogat has not received any money from the following organizations, businessmen, companies and parties. All of you are our well-wishers, please do not spread false news. This will not only harm us but will also harm social values. This is just a means to gain cheap popularity.’
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Vinesh Phogat, who was disqualified from the Paris Olympics due to being overweight, could not win any medal, but the way she was welcomed after returning to the country and the respect she got was said by Vinesh to be more than a thousand gold medals.
Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat had said, “They did not give me a gold medal, but the love and respect I have received from people is more than a thousand gold medals.”
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