The first match of the two-Test series between India and Bangladesh is being played at MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai. Team India’s star batsman Virat Kohli could not do anything amazing in this match, but a video of him is making a lot of headlines on social media. During the match, Virat Kohli is seen pulling Shakib Al Hasan’s leg. Actually, Shakib was constantly bowling near Virat Kohli’s feet. When his over ended and Virat Kohli was at the non-striker end, he told Shakib that Malinga is still there, he is throwing yorker after yorker. Fans are liking this video a lot.
Let us tell you, in the first innings of the Chennai Test, Virat Kohli was out after scoring 6 runs, while in the second innings he scored 17 runs. If Virat Kohli had used DRS in the second innings, he could have been saved, but he did not do so.
Watch the fun video of Virat Kohli and Shakib Al Hasan-
Talking about the match, by the end of the second day’s play, India has taken a lead of 309 runs over Bangladesh. India has lost 3 wickets for 81 runs in the second innings, Rishabh Pant is present at the crease along with Shubman Gill. On the third day, India will be eyeing to give a target of more than 500 runs to the guests.
Team India had put 376 runs on the board in the first innings on the basis of Ravichandran Ashwin’s century and fifties by Ravindra Jadeja and Yashasvi Jaiswal. In response, Bangladesh was all out for 149 runs in the first innings. India had got a lead of 227 runs after the first innings.
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