‘You have a big impact, you can stop Putin’; Volodymyr Zelensky said a big thing about India

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made a big statement on India’s role in ending the Russia-Ukraine war. In the capital Kyiv, he said, ‘India will play its role. I think India has started recognizing that this is not just a war. This is a real war of one person Putin against an entire country (Ukraine).’ He said that you (India) are a big country. Your influence is huge. You can stop Putin and stop his economy. You can really put him in his place. It is known that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a visit to Ukraine and Zelensky’s statement came after meeting him.

On his meeting with PM Modi, the Ukrainian President said, ‘It was a very good meeting. It was a historic meeting. I am very grateful to the Prime Minister for coming. It is a good start with some practical steps. If he (Prime Minister Modi) has any ideas (on peace) then we will be happy to talk about it.’ He said that Prime Minister Modi wants peace more than Putin. The problem is that Putin does not want it. I do not know what they talked about when they had the meeting.

Zelensky said- Putin is a killer and…

Volodymyr Zelensky said, ‘If you attack children in a hospital during the Prime Minister’s official visit, he must recognize this. He must understand that he (the Russian President) does not respect India or control his army. This means that he does not respect the Indian Prime Minister. Therefore, my understanding of him is very clear. He is not as smart as his Russian TV show.’ He said, ‘I think it is important for the democratic world to understand what is happening. Putin is a killer. As far as hugging, shaking hands or anything else with the Prime Minister of India is concerned, it is every leader’s own decision. I cannot say anything about it.’

‘The whole world will have to condemn’

The President of Ukraine said, ‘I understand that if the world leaders meet a leader who has killed people and children, occupied lands and is invading, then there is no diplomatic isolation for that person. In such a case, it will be considered an act. A person like Putin has to understand that he is doing something wrong. He has been isolated. He is alone and the whole world is condemning him. So I think we should not remain silent. We have to respond.’

What did PM Modi say on his visit?

On Narendra Modi’s visit to Ukraine, Zelensky said, ‘I am glad that PM Modi has come to meet us. I understand that this is very important. This is the first visit of the Prime Minister of India to Ukraine. We are also ready to do this on our part.’ He said that we heard the message of the Indian side that they would be happy to welcome our team in India. I believe that our parties are thinking like this which is not negative.

Arvind Patel, hailing from Ahmedabad, is an avid gamer who turned his hobby into a career. With a background in marketing, Arvind initially worked with gaming companies along with top new agencies to promote their products. His articles now focus on market trends, game marketing strategies, news, and the business side of the gaming industry.