According to the video, the incident took place on Thursday at a busy traffic signal on Jalna Road, where smoke billowed from the Bajaj Chetak electric scooter. An official said the fire brigade sent a team to extinguish the smoke. Bhagwan Chavan and Ravindra Chavan, two farmers of Varavandi village, had come to Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar to buy water pipes. While they were waiting at the signal, they noticed that smoke had started coming out of their e-scooter. First the e-scooter was taken aside and the fire brigade team was called from Seven Hills Fire Station. The fire brigade team sprinkled water on the e-scooter and the smoke stopped. However, no person was injured in this incident.
Bajaj Chetak EV Features
Bajaj Chetak electric scooter comes in 2.88kwh, 3.2kwh and 3.2kwh battery options. Its range is from 123 kilometers to 137 kilometers. The top speed of the electric scooter is up to 73 kilometers. The motor given in it generates peak torque of 16 Nm and power of 6.44 HP. It takes 5 hours for the battery to be fully charged. The price of Bajaj Chetak EV ranges from Rs 95,998 to Rs 1,27,244.
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