YouTuber Dhruv Rathi, who made headlines during the Lok Sabha elections, is currently in the spotlight due to a mistake. He revealed the identity of the doctor who was raped and murdered in Kolkata on social media. Since then, Dhruv Rathi is being criticized. Although he has now deleted his ex-post, people’s anger has not subsided. Dhruv Rathi had written a post. In this, he had said, ‘The rape and murder case in West Bengal is heartbreaking. It has also exposed the inhuman working conditions for doctors. They do not have security in West Bengal and they have to work in very difficult conditions.’
Further, he wrote that it is hoped that CBI will investigate this case quickly and provide justice. Along with this, Dhruv Rathi wrote hashtag Nirbhaya 2. People objected to this and called it insensitive to address the victim as ‘Nirbhaya 2’. On this, Dhruv Rathi accepted his mistake and deleted the post. Dhruv Rathi also told why he is deleting this tweet. Rathi said that some people had said that calling the victim Nirbhaya 2 is insensitive. I found this to be correct.
However, the controversy did not stop because the new post written by Dhruv Rathi angered people even more. This time Dhruv Rathi wrote the name of the victim along with the hashtag. He was badly cornered for this and people are demanding action against him. Lawyer Prashant Umrao even tweeted, ‘Even when the rape victim has died, her name should not be revealed. Such a decision was given by the Supreme Court itself.’ Many people also asked the question that what was written earlier was better than this. Let us tell you that Sanjay Roy, the accused in the Kolkata case, has been arrested. However, on the basis of the post-mortem report, the doctor’s parents have suspected gang rape.
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