After the heavy rains in Etawah district of western Uttar Pradesh in the past few days, fog also set in on Friday. Due to the fog, people also experienced mild cold.
After the heavy rains in Etawah district of western Uttar Pradesh in the past few days, fog also knocked on the door on Friday. Due to the fog, people also felt mild cold. Fog was seen on the roads of Etawah from 6 am to around 7:15 am. A light layer of fog started in the form of drizzle at night which continued till the morning sunlight came out. School children were also very happy to see the first fog of the season while those who went for a walk in the early morning felt mild cold.
Meteorologist DS Chauhan says that the early onset of fog is an indication that a major change is taking place in the weather and this change is pointing towards widespread cold in the coming time. Morning walker Ashok Kumar says that he left his house for a walk around 5 am. The fog started suddenly at 6 am. It was natural for people to be surprised to see fog in September itself because never before had fog occurred so early in this manner.
Agricultural scientists believe that fog is very beneficial for any crop, it is most beneficial for increasing the growth of crops. Deputy Director of Agriculture Department R.N. Singh says that fog is most beneficial for any crop, if fog has started then it will not take long for winter to arrive.
Earlier, during the rains on September 18, three people died in different areas of the district while around a dozen people were injured. Dozens of kutcha and pucca houses collapsed. Several dozen incidents of trees falling also occurred during the rains.
According to the Agriculture Department, Etawah received 300 mm of rain in one day. Etawah district was earlier marked with 80 percent rainfall but now Etawah has been included in the districts with 110 percent rainfall.
Deputy District Agriculture Director R.N.Singh says that this rain has caused minor damage to paddy and millet. The fields where paddy was sown earlier have definitely suffered damage but the later crops have not suffered any damage.
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