An account on Twitter with the username @smashx_60 has claimed to have leaked the specifications of the HMD Moon Knight model. Post It is reported that Moon Knight, which will be brought with model number TA-1691, will include Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC. Apart from this, the upcoming smartphone may come with a p-OLED display equipped with FHD+ resolution and 144Hz refresh rate. Display size information is not given in this.
Even though the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC is not a flagship processor, it could be the most premium, i.e. flagship model of HMD’s lineup. Additionally, the post further states that the alleged upcoming HMD Moon Night will support POGO pin, which is a hint towards a modular design. External accessories can be attached to the smartphone with this PIN. The phone is also expected to have dual speakers and aluminum frame.
The upcoming HMD smartphone may reportedly feature a quad-camera setup. However, camera sensor information has not been shared. The design may be inspired by Nokia Lumia. This is the only information shared about the smartphone in the post. As we mentioned, HMD has not yet confirmed the name or other details of any such device.
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